yesterday night at 1 o'clock we were sitting and thinking of some one liners for the posters and hoarding for THE MARCH and some of them were catchy. As usually we cannot work without talking about Guruji.
Guruji once in satsang said this...
"Sita is like mind and because of attachment is captured by Ravana(EGO)....and Ravana takes mind away from the CHETANA(as Guruji said) or SELF which is Ram.....and with awareness (LAKSHMAN) and with the help of the Breath (Pavan Putra Hanuman) we can bring Sita back to the Chetana (Ram)."
All our scriptures and mantras are like code and we should have a Guru to decode that .....we will not find these things anywhere else.
please do comment....
Hello world!
2 months ago
kindly change the template of this blog.
you will find help here...
still if u need help, email me or if i am online you can chat.
by the way what is the meaning of 2+1=0?
Jai Gurudev, yes a truly wonderful interpretation
Also, I love Jai Shri Krishna on Colors channel.
Now watching it with Guruji's knowledge, from the book "Krishna- Absolute Bliss" is just SUPERB.
where Krishna is my love and Kans is my Ego
absolutely u remember Swami Satyojata's words on the Mahabharata? Those were amazing too...
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